David Hoffmeister
We are One, God is One, All is One, Amen.
David Hoffmeister is a modern-day mystic and teacher of A Course in Miracles. He is a living demonstration of the teachings of Christ, ACIM, and Self-realization. David teaches from Enlightened Mind, shining the Love of God wherever he is invited in the world. His teachings and living example of a simple life of trust, demonstrate the State of Being and Oneness Jesus called the Kingdom of Heaven.
"By their fruits ye shall know them and they shall know themselves."
– ACIM, T-9.V.9
The Early Years
David Hoffmeister began his journey to spiritual enlightenment in 1986 when he encountered A Course in Miracles and recognized it as the tool he had been seeking for a radical transformation of his mind and perceptions. In the early years David studied the Course with passionate intensity, often reading it for eight or more hours a day. After two years of this study, David began to seek the company of other students of ACIM, attending as many as five groups a week. He was startled to find that a Voice was speaking through him with great authority, so that many began referring their questions to him.
Among family members, friends, and teachers, David was always known for questioning everything, rather than accepting conventional answers. Thus he was delighted to find in the Course support and encouragement from the Voice of Jesus for his careful examination of every idea, belief, concept, and assumption in his mind. Jesus became David’s internal teacher, answering his every question, guiding him to hand over the day-to-day management of all relationships, circumstances, and events in his life, and providing inner discernment.
"Enlightenment; constant peace, happiness, joy, love, and freedom, is Life and is Reality! Seeing past all deception and coming to clarity and understanding is realistic, for such is the Truth. Forgiveness, laying aside all judgment, is the key to clarity and understanding.
In 1991, David was impelled to make another leap of trust into Christ-dependency and began traveling around the United States and Canada, sharing his clarity of understanding related to A Course in Miracles. He followed Jesus’ instructions to “become as a child,” allowing himself to be totally dependent on the Holy Spirit for money, transportation, shelter, food, and the words to speak in countless ACIM gatherings, churches, metaphysical and spiritual groups, and a host of holy encounters with people who knew nothing of the Course.
David found that it was his constant joy and peace that was the best teacher in all encounters, and that it was this peace that all his brothers and sisters were seeking. The Voice of Jesus told David—as it instructed the apostles 2,000 years before—“Freely you have received; freely give.” Thus David has never charged for his time, teaching, or any of the many materials he gives away, but has been supported entirely by love offerings. In all his years of traveling and sharing the wisdom of Christ, David has become a living demonstration of the principles of A Course in Miracles, such lessons as:
“I am sustained by the Love of God.”
“I am the light of the world.”
“I will step back and let Him lead the way.”
“In my defenselessness my safety lies.”
“God’s Will for me is perfect happiness.”
David learned through countless miracles that he could perfectly trust the Holy Spirit to provide for him and guide him through every situation. Everything he seemed to need to accomplish his purpose as a teacher of God was given without his making any effort. Several hermitage experiences helped David to free his mind from ego chatter and enter into deep Silence, where he ultimately experienced Enlightenment.
Can you faintly imagine how freeing and wonderful is the State of Mind devoid of petty judgments? Such a Mind rests in Its Source, in Perfection, and in Innocence!
Such is Reality!"
– David Hoffmeister
The Peace House and Travels
David was guided to a small house in 1996. It became a place of quiet and meditation between travels, but also a place where he could welcome those desiring to step back from the world and to go deeply within the mind to discover the Christ within. David’s time at the Peace House opened a new phase of his ministry as the Holy Spirit guided him to acquire computers and use the internet; the result was the making of a number of websites. One of his main websites, awakening-mind.org, offers a huge array of resources related to A Course in Miracles and the metaphysics of Christ.
Spiritual truth-seekers can subscribe to the Circle of Support, which offers many ways to stay connected to David and the Awakening Mind community. A few examples are a global newsletter, volunteer work, (online) events and groups, a prayer and support line, a searchable archive of Q&A's—compiled of the many questions sent in through the years from all over the world and David's responses—and many other resources and opportunities to collaborate and serve this divine purpose.
Always a lover of music, and seeing it as a path to God in its own right, David has inspired a variety of artists and musicians who share spiritual ideas and Love's Presence through music.
Also available on his sites are the many teaching videos and audios from gatherings and retreats with David. Currently his teachings are offered as both audio and video recordings on a number of sites. Two of these—acim.me and acim-online-video.net—are large, searchable collections of audios and videos organized according to topic of interest or theme.
Also many of his teachings are shared through writings like Mind Overhaul, Purpose Is the Only Choice, and many other resources and (e)books.
One of David's books, The Movie Watcher’s Guide To Enlightenment (MWGE), has since expanded and developed into an online searchable database of movie audio and/or video commentary and reviews on the best spiritual movies on the planet. You can search for themes and emotions, and find practical mind tools to help use these movies for awakening. David sees movies as another helpful and fun pathway to God!
While the internet ministry was unfolding, a friend was inspired to establish a non-profit organization, the Foundation for the Awakening Mind, which now serves as a framework for coordinating all aspects of the extending work and for handling larger donations. All donations help David continue to share the experience of Christ’s Divine Love of Perfect Oneness.
David Hoffmeister has traveled extensively in the U.S. since 1991 and worldwide since 2003 sharing the experience of God’s unconditional Love that is reached through forgiveness. Some people have expressed fatigue at just seeing David's travel schedule when he posts it in an email or online! However, David experiences so much energy and inspiration pouring through him in all he shares. David travels the world shining the Light of God’s Love wherever there is a strong Invitation. Donations and love offerings make the travels, online programs, and free online resources available to tens of thousands of people.
In more recent years, along with the development of technology, the extension of the Holy Spirit's Happy Message has evolved into many profound and interactive online events with David as well as many other online resources.
David and the community that has formed around him currently reside in centers in the United States and Mexico.
Group photo during retreat at La Casa de Milagros in Chapala, Mexico